Serving Lafayette & Vermilion Parishes
Affordable Housing
Hope, Opportunity, Success! Three simple words that render the Housing Authority of the City of Lafayette (LHA) as more than a housing provider. Serving nearly 2,500 families in the City of Lafayette and Lafayette and Vermilion Parishes, through its affordable housing programs and strategic partnership initiatives, the LHA is instilling hope, creating opportunities and realizing success.
Our Services
How can we help?

To submit an application for the Public Housing program, please click the link below.

Current Residents
We offer our families support that is designed to help them access much needed resources and services that will ultimately increase economic mobility and foster positive outcomes.

LHA’s tenant-based program assists low income families in locating safe, decent, and affordable housing in the private market.
Available housing
Rental Properties
Per HUD recommendations, informational maps are provided as resource tools for residents/participants. Additional community map resources and research tools are available online from HUD at:

Where we operate
Service Area