“Before moving into the C.O. housing development, I was living with my brother. It was ok, but nothing compares to having your own space. I enjoy living here, it’s affordable, clean and comfortable. The people here are great and the staff treats me well. I am excited to have a sense of independence and an improved quality of life. I am gaining great experiences being a part of the Resident Council, I now feel like I belong to a bigger purpose.” – Thelma Broussard
“The LHA provides me a place that I can call home and its economical for me financially. If my home is need of repairs, the team responds in a timely manner and are very efficient. My neighborhood is quiet and being a disabled person that is extremely important to me. As the president of the Resident Council, I enjoy meeting new people and being a difference maker. Seeing the kids smile when we host events like the Christmas Bike Drive or the Father’s Day Celebration, always warms my heart. I will be forever grateful to the LHA for giving me the opportunity to be a part of something great!” – Leisha Carter
“I am thankful for the LHA being there for me through a trying time in my life. I have been a resident for 18 years. Life has a way of providing unexpected situations which is exactly what I went through a few years back. I was working and ended up having to stop and have surgery. There were some complications with my surgery and I ended up in a coma for over a month. The LHA worked with my family to ensure that I would have a home to come back to. I am now disabled but still able to maintain my independence which is truly a blessing.” – Shelia Davis
“My mom has always been my biggest supporter. She helped me apply for housing because she knew that I wanted to be independent. It was difficult for me living with my parents. My mom always said that my dad and I were like two rams, always butting heads. Although I love my dad, I needed to be living on my own. 2 months after my mom passed away, I got the call that there was an apartment available for me to rent. I don’t know where I would be if housing wasn’t available for me. I am grateful to my mom for making sure that I reached my goal of independence.” – Sidney Forestier